Pesante offensiva dello “Stato Islamico in Iraq e nel Levante”, ISIL conqista larghe porzioni dell’ Iraq occidentale e con esso armi, uomini e petrolio; dall’altra parte del confine intanto cinge d’assedio la città petrolifera Deir El Zour, ultimatum a Jabhat Al Nusra ed Ahrar Al Sham.
L’Iraq di Maliki è sotto attacco da parte dei barbari di ISIL (ISIS o Daesh che dir si voglia) che conquistano territorio, inclusa Mosul col suo aeroporto, e depositi con armi avanzate e mezzi, incluso un elicottero da combattimento e 200 corazzati. Liberati dalle carceri 1500 uomini, verosimilmente in buona parte reclutati tra le fila dell’organizzazione terroristica. Una fornitura di uomini e mezzi che potrebbe cambiare radicalmente i rapporti di forza nel nord della Siria, dove i barbari combattono contro i rivoluzionari siriani ed i loro alleati.
da Twitter: Islamic State Media @Dawla_NewsMedia
Iraqi army flee in terror from the Islamic State and desert their military outposts. Salah ad-Din province (ISIS)
Islamic State Media @Dawla_NewsMedia
ISIS captured Oil refinery in Baiji after killing all Security Forces in charge of its protection.
الله أكبر My cousin was freed from Baiji prison by the Mujahideen of ISIS Alhamdullilah!
Islamic State Media @Dawla_NewsMedia
ISIS Shaykh ‘Umar as-Shīshānī inspects spoils of war from Mosul Iraq in Deir ez-Zor Syria. Looks quite pleased…
Islamic State Media @Dawla_NewsMedia
ISIS: Things are happening very fast, ISIS now getting close to Kirkuk
L’ ignezione di armamenti pesanti e forze fresche avvenuta in tempi brevissimi ha insospettito alcuni attivisti siriani, alcuni hanno ipotizzato che gli iraqeni si siano ritirati lasciando indietro armi e bagagli con il preciso scopo di rifornire ISIL. Anche perchè la ritirata dell’esercito iraqeno è stata rapida e ci sono rumors, tweet che riporterebbero dichiarazioni di ufficiali di stanza a Mosul, che parlano di ordini precisi.
Mohammed Ghanem:
The tide of war is not receding, Mr. President.
Ammunition dumps, weapons stores, military vehicles, including 200 Humvees in Baiji, and an Apache have all fallen to ISIS in Iraq, and now an Iraqi official is warning $100Ks, too. 1500 inmates have been freed from Badush prison. ISIS will surely recruit them to swell its ranks. A very rapid seizure of Mosul, Nineveh, and parts of Kirkuk all in a day’s work!
Already some of the captured vehicles have been sent to Syria.
With our ill-equipped forces these fanatics will raise hell in Syria. Now they can kick us out of Syria’s north, rout us completely in the east and just take over all opposition territory!
Even if Maliki responds, what’s the point after they have seized all this advanced weaponry!The US might help Maliki to push them back and his gunships might rip them apart but we have no response to this in Syria. They will use the newly-captured stocks to control more oil wells in Syria and more wells means more oil deals with Assad and more financial empowerment.
The tide of war is not receding, Mr. President.
Tra i rivoluzionari siriani è molto diffusa la convinzione che ISIL sia una creatura del regime. Questa opinione è avvalorata dal contrasto tra la determinazione con cui i barbari combattono per imporre il loro dominio sui territori dell’opposizione e la quasi totale assenza di scontri tra loro e le forze lealiste che, anzi, in molte opererazioni sembrano agire in coordinamento con ISIL per stringere in una tenaglia i partigiani siriani o per evacuare i loro feriti. In aggiunta a questo, nelle basi di ISIL conquistate nei primi giorni del 2014 dai rivoluzionari siriani sono stati ritrovati documenti e sim card iraniane e russe, in almeno un paio di occasioni si è scoperto c he “l’emiro” locale altri non era che un uomo dei servizi di Bashar Al Asad ed in un caso persino alawita (ISIL è una organizzazione sedicente strettissimante sunnita).
Il primo ministro Nuri El Maliki de facto è un sostenitore di Asad, per cui qualche malpensante ha insinuato il sospetto che sia poco credibile che un esercito regolare, più numeroso, armato ed addestrato dagli States, offra meno rersistenza dello scalcagnato e scalzo Esercito Libero Siriano e che questa sia solo una mossa per armare ISIL senza sollevare troppe polemiche. Solo ipotesi ovviamente, il fatto è comunque che ora i rapporti di forza nelle aree liberate della Siria cambieranno.
Intanto in Siria la cittadina nord occidentale di Deir El Zour è stata attaccata dai terroristi, che avrebbero spinto alla funga oltre 100.00 civili, mentre in città sono rimasti gli uomini delle bnrigate islamiche Ahrar Al Sham e Jabhat Al Nusra, quest’ultima legata ad Al Qaeda. Secondo quanto riportato sui social network dagli attivisti locali, ISIL avrebbe annunciato un assedio al oltranza finchè i miliziani nemici non lasceranno Deir El Zour. Dal canto loro JAN e Ahrar Al Sham non hanno alcuna intenzione di cedere, memori dei 120 uomini sgozzati da ISIL nella conquista di Raqqa. In quella occasione, per certi versi simile alla situazione attuale, i barbari avevano garantito un passaggio sicuro per lasciare la città salvo poi tendergli un imboscata.
Da Tahrir Sy
After the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s capture of the Halbiyya roundabout, the only armed opposition held pass to the North of the city, ISIS announced that the city will be besieged (Announced 4 June 2014). The ISIS announcement said the city will be besieged until the Islamic Front and Jabhat Al-Nusra leave the city.
As a response to the decision ISIS is taking on Deir Ezzor, activists in Deir Ezzor said that the Islamic Front and Jabhat Al-Nusra would not leave. Activists said that submitting to ISIS would never happen, noting that this is the position of all combatant groups in the city. Remembering the Ahrar Al-Sham – ISIS agreement in Ar-Raqqa, where 120 Ahrar Al-Sham fighters were killed in an ISIS ambush after being promised safe passage from the city.
Sources close to Tahrir Souri in Deir Ezzor said that ISIS has a number of loyal combatant groups in the city of Deir Ezzor. These groups were known to have previously belonged to the Revolutionary Council headed by Riyadh Al-Hassan, a known Salafist member of the National Coalition for Syrian Opposition and Revolutionary Forces. Tahrir Souri’s sources added that part of ISIS’ interest besieging Deir Ezzor, other than military, was to turn the people there against the Islamic Front and Jabhat Al-Nusra. ISIS would then enter on the citizens it besieged and bring food with a hero’s welcome.
It’s important to note that Deir Ezzor is experiencing a severe food shortage, coupled with the siege ISIS is imposing, the situation could deteriorate dangerously.
Considerate da un lato le riserve petrolifere della zona di Mosul e Kirkuk, dall’ altro che a Deir El Zour si concentrano anche i campi petroliferi siriani, ISIL non solo è ora armato ancora meglio, ma ha ancora più disponibilità economica e quindi la possibilità di rifornirsi per un bel po’. Del resto non è un mistero che già da tempo i terroristi vendono sotto costo il petrolio dei campi che controllano a contrabbandieri turchi ed al regime stesso.
Si stringe il cappio intorno al collo del popolo siriano, sempre più schiacciato tra il sanguinario regime di Asad, primo fra i terroristi e causa di qeusta guerra, e le orde barbariche dei pazzi barbuti se si fanno scudo dell’ Islam.

#Mosul #Iraq #ISIS
Dear America,
The Syrian people have been warning you about ISIS for the past 2 years.
They have told you that they work for the Assad regime.
They have told you that ISIS’ bases are right next to the SAA’s bases.
They have told you that they are funded by the mullahs of Iran.
They have said these things repeatedly, and they have backed up every claim with a mountain of evidence.
They asked for weapons to not only defend themselves against Assad’s genocidal campaign of terror and ethnic cleansing, but to also crush ISIS in its infancy.
The biggest news about Iraq since the US’ disasterous invasion in 2003 occured this morning; ISIS has taken Mosul. Mosul is the 2nd largest city in Iraq with a population of almost 2 million people. ISIS defeated the Iraqi army overnight. A few hundred gunmen have seized American weaponry, such as Blackhawk helicopters. They have taken over villages. They have taken students hostage at the universities. The Iraqi army has surrendered their weapons and fled. A heavily-armed ISIS will pose a huge threat to the Syrians in the North. Shirqat and Tikrit have been taken. 28 Turkish truck drivers have been kidnapped. 150,000 people have fled Mosul. The phone lines of the Turkish Consulate have been cut.
America’s actions in Iraq caused even greater suffering than Ba’athism in Iraq. Indeed, the neo-conservatives created this mess, however, someone else has decided to pretend it isn’t happening. Indeed, the neo-conservatives wrecked the place, but someone else packed up and left, allowing an enormous terrorist-base to be born, allowing Iran to absorb the country, allowing the catastrophe we are witnessing today.
Iraq no longer exists; it has been abandoned and has become nothing more than a playground for Al Qaeda and a toy for Iran. Iraq does not exist; it is an open, infected wound that is seeping with pus and blood.
Maliki is screaming for the Kurds to help him battle ISIS when he was just condemning them for selling their own oil to Turkey. Iraqis once committed a genocide against the Kurds, and are now desperate for Kurdish assistance. Over the past 48 hours the Kurds tried extremely hard to establish cooperation with the Iraqi Security Forces in order to protect the city of Mosul. A suicide bomber hit the Kurds real bad yesterday. Sadly, US-supported Baghdad took a position which has prevented the establishment of cooperation with the Kurds. Yesterday ISIS suicide bombers attacked the office of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in the town of Jalaula. They killed at least 20 and wounded 63 other people. Only now is Maliki offering to arm anyone and everyone who wants to fend off ISIS. 10,000 Iraqi people from Mosul are now seeking shelter in Kurdistan’s Erbil. Peshmerga forces have been deployed to Mosul.
How does ISIS take over a city of 2 million people? Billions of dollars have been spent by the US training and equiping the Iraqi military. This equipment is now in the hands of ISIS and is being transferred to the areas they control in Syria. That’s US military equipment in the hands of a group so monsterous that Al Qaeda disowned them. The FSA, without billions of dollars of weaponry, has faired rather well against ISIS, but the Iraqi military collapses overnight?
Welcome to ISISstan. They are cutting off the TV stations. They are trying to break the internet connection.
Obama’s refusal to assist the Syrian people has led to this; a thriving ISIS that could now become the biggest oil-seller in the MENA region. It’s no longer just a terrorist group; now it’s a military. They released 3,000 prisoners in Mosul and now there is more than enough weapons to go around. Obama’s atrocious foreign policy has allowed the Levant to be dominated by not only ISIS, but also Hezbollah and Iran, whose Assad’s survival depends on. Lebanon does not really exist anymore either.
Dear America,
What the Hell happened to you? You did alright by Japan, by South Korea, by Germany… What happened? You don’t clean up after yourselves anymore, and it shows. Now you intervene when you shouldn’t, and you don’t intervene when you should. You fund Maliki; an incompetant, sectarian piece of garbage… but you do not fund the FSA. The mutilated bodies of dead Iraqi security forces have littered the streets today. Every month for the past few years hundreds of Iraqis have been killed by suicide bombers. It no longer became news. This year alone 500,000 people have been displaced, mostly from the Sunni-dominated Anbar province. 900 died last month. This year almost 5,000 have been killed. Maliki’s sectarianism has fuled this and has taken Iraq into the dark ages.
The Syrians told you that ISIS was a threat to the entire region. They were calling you, and not only did you not pick up the phone, you weren’t even in the room when the phone rang. Instead, you followed Sarah Palin’s advice; “Let Allah sort it out.” You have accepted the Iranian propaganda line that Sunni jihadism is the biggest threat and the only threat. Syrians have been screaming into a black hole for 2 years, and now Iraq has their ISIS disease. Lebanon will be next. US weaponry, seized by ISIS in Mosul, are now in Syria’s Deir ez Zor.
Obama is a coward.
Obama is incompetant.
Obama is guilty as sin.
And those of you who still sing his praises should all be ashamed.
The same goes to every single one of you who opposed humanitarian intervention in Syria.
There is a genocide on your hands, and now, an empowered (worse than) Al Qaeda-like group is thanking you for your support.
An ISIS crescent; good job, peaceniks.